Tuesday 9 June 2009

Comms black out

Sorry for the silence boys and girls... Apart from friday nights mischief, i've had to be a bit of a shut in. Bit of an odd start to the weekend though. Working a front desk has taught me just how loose peoples grip on reality really is. Aparently there are many out there who believe if they get discount 1 month, they should get it EVERY month, and will stand there and try and argue the point for a good minute or 2 despite the massive queue behind them. Arguing. For 2 minutes. Over the difference of the princely sum of £1. And i thought your mother was cheap... cheap like this non-creative, but sadly accurate insult.

So why have i been a shut in? I've had my nose in the books, trying to cram lots of knowledge into my brain. Its not fun. Why? So i can pass my exams and hopefully not work somewhere like this

Faceless office cattle, crossing the t's, dotting the i's, waiting to be culled next time the budget shits the bed

They'll tell you "we're all one big family here at the company" - but as soon as things go south, they'll lawyer up and divorce you quicker than huntley was to find a place to bury holly and jessica

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