Thursday 13 January 2011

why this isnt tumblr

if i had a tumblr, it would be great. I could post pictures and shit all the time, be cool and hip, on trend, all that lark. Id have way more than 3 followers. I'd have so many followers id practically be a cult. Take that scientology!

but no - what really puts me off tumblr... i'd have to reseach how to make it pretty. Then i'd have to ask people stuff. And we all know im not good with people. Really. Im fucking terrible. Infact i realise right now the over abundance of the full stop in this post is probably going to fuck some people off. But i just. dont care. Take that capitalisation and grammar!

But yeah - why cant there be some sort of beam that could transmit what i thought onto the internet. Then i wouldnt have to research, i could just go SHAZAM! and it would be there. But wait... if i could transmit what was in my head, think of the pandoras box of horrors that would be unleashed. Oh sweet zombie jebus. It would be immense